Tag Archives: cats

Dogs & Cats & TV & A Tails Untold Personalized Pet Book mention


dog & TV





Hi Everypawdy!

We like to share and there is a very interesting blog called “Owned by a Husky”  see the link below.  The latest blog post is about “The Truth behind dogs and Cats watching TV?”  Do they?  Check this out and check out the pssssssst: for a Tails Untold Personalized Pet Book mention.

Here is the website address to copy and paste into your browser.


Thank you for the mention Jenna,Mark “HuskyCrazed” Drady.

Happy Holidays!

Susan and Janet and all your friends with Tails Untold Personalized Pet Books  www.tailsuntold.com


Petting a Dog or Cat is Mutually Therapeutic

Dog & Baby



Did you know that petting your dog or cat has mutual benefits? It seems obvious that your pet gets pleasure from petting and shows it in many ways like rubbing up against you, nudging you, and often we see a smile and a gleam in their eye from petting.

For humans, petting often triggers the release of a hormone called oxytocin, which is a bonding hormone. They say that petting a dog for only 15 minutes can also release other feel good hormones such as serotonin and prolactin.   Another benefit is that the stress hormone called cortisol, has been known to be lowered by petting.  Studies have shown that the same effect happens with cats.

For those suffering with mild depression, by petting your pet, it stops you from focusing on your problems and looking inward and digging into a deeper hole. Your energies are now focused on your pet and it helps to take the worry and the depressive thoughts and turn them toward something positive and loving, outside of your own mind. What is amazing is our pets can usually tell when we are feeling blue and will often stay closer to us and want to snuggle more.

Many studies have shown that not only do we get the positive effects of petting, but our pets get the same kind of benefits, too.

So keep petting your pet so you both enjoy that mutual benefit that has been termed “the love loop”.

P.S. Do you think a cat and dog petting each other has the same effect?  [Photo: Courtesy of Funagram]




Come Enter! We have a new Tails Untold Personalized Pet Book Contest.

TUPPB Spring Photo Contes

Hi All,

Spring is just around the corner!

Come visit our Facebook page to enter our latest Tails Untold Personalized Pet Book Photo Contest to win a wonderful Nicia Pet Couture collar.

Here is the link!  http://bitly.com/1kXdfxU

Can’t wait to see all the entries! Please share with all your friends, too.

Susan, Janet and all your friends at Tails Untold Personalized Pet Books


Can You Help Your Cat Become More Affectionate?


When we think of cats, we imagine soft fur, cuddly rubs and gentle purring sounds. However many cats do not seek out this affection and remain aloof. Some of this is personality, upbringing or breed. In order to optimize the possibility of obtaining that loving interaction from our feline pets, there are several things cat owners can do.

First be sure your cat can depend on you to be her provider of nutritious food, fresh water, a clean litter box and fun toys to engage her. A happy cat will be more open to your attention and affection.

Next you need to spend quality time with your cat. Giving her attention, such as talking to her in a loving way and stroking her fur may lead to her coming to you more often for it. If you do this while you are preparing her food, she will associate this with the positive experience of being fed and cared for. Also, when sharing affection at other times, give your pet a treat. Again this will help your cat associate affectionate behavior with a rewarding experience.

Play with your cat often. Cats prefer to chase than be chased. Dangle a string behind you as you walk so your cat will follow you. Play laser tag with a pointer, but be sure not to shine it in your pet’s eyes. Bat a catnip filled ball back and forth. A little catnip can often help a reluctant cat become more engaged and affectionate towards you.

You can purchase a cat bed or have a special cushion or blanket for your cat. “Mark” the area with your scent by rubbing the bedding on yourself. Your pet will pair your scent with the comfy feeling she gets when she cozies up in her special resting area.

Cats enjoy gentle petting around their cheeks, under their chin, in front of and behind their ears and on their backs. You can often tell if this is giving your cat pleasure when she curls the end of her tail. A straight tail or ears back usually means the cat is not enjoying what you are doing to her. Always put yourself at the cat’s level. Bring your hand in from the side of your cat and work your way up so as not to startle her.

Although your cat may still spend much of her day off to herself, you will be rewarded with more affection and purrs if you keep these simple strategies in mind.

Should Cats Eat Mice and Birds?

We all love our feline pets. They love to show they love us by bringing us little presents they capture in the wild. Many a cat lover has discovered a half eaten mouse or bird on their doorstep left by their kitty as a token of love for being such a good caretaker. But, we wonder, is it safe that they have eaten some of that wild animal, especially when we have no idea where it has been?

Cats are carnivores and predators. In fact they are obligate carnivores meaning they must have meat to live. Meat contains taurine which is one of the essential nutrients to a cat’s diet. The bones of the animals they consume are full of calcium and are easily broken down and digested. The bones, guts, fur and feathers of mice and birds contain fiber which is another essential nutrient. They obtain water from their prey as well. Cats enjoy a variety of textures which is why they relish chewing on mice and birds. Their natural instinct is to hunt.  If you do not wish to have them bring home such wildlife, you will have to keep them indoors or monitor their time outdoors.

If your cat is allowed to roam, be sure it gets regular check-ups for worms and other parasites. Be sure vaccines such as rabies and feline leukemia are up to date. In very rare cases, a cat can contract a disease such as toxoplasmosis which can lead to uvitis and glaucoma. Again, regular checkups for your outdoor cat are good preventative medicine.

Humans should take care when disposing of their little  presents of mice and birds. Take care to wear gloves and even a mask when handling the gift.  Viruses, such as the sometimes deadly hantavirus, can be spread for example, by handling a mouse. Scrub any surface that the mouse came in contact with.  Cats are not carriers of the virus nor can it be transferred from one person to another.

In general, it is not harmful for cats to eat mice and birds. This is how many cats live in the wild. However, keep your cat safe by keeping it’s checkups regular and keep yourself safe by using gloves when you handle strange wildlife. Happy hunting!

Should I Adopt One Cat or Two?

When it comes to adopting a new cat or kitten, the question often arises is it better to adopt two so they can have companionship when we are not home? There are certainly some advantages to having two cats:

-they can chase away more spiders and mice
-you have more to snuggle up with or to pin you down in your bed
-twice the entertainment factor as they chase each other and swat tails or fall all over each other
-they can keep each other company when you are away
-they provide each other with exercise and mental stimulation
-the happier and more confident they feel together decreases the chance for behavioral problems

The disadvantages are that it does cost more for veterinary care, food, pet supplies, boarding over vacations and emergencies. Then there are the day-to-day clean up chores like changing two litter boxes, sweeping up extra cat hair and the occasional furballs or dead critters they have bestowed upon you as gifts. Additionally, cats often mimic each other, so if one scratches the furniture or marks its territory on your bed, the other may follow suit.

If you decide to get two cats, know that cats that are familiar with each other will get along easier and be more adaptable to their new home with you together. Often the shelter you adopt from can tell you two cats or kittens that appear to be compatible. They will provide you with suggestions for introducing them at the same time into your home. Kittens from the same litter have already been socialized together. They tend to know each others limits when it comes to play and tussles. They come from the same background. For example, if they were strays, they will have the special sense of survival bonding.

If you already have an adult cat at home, look for a companion with similar habits and personality. There are many websites that can help you with step by step rules for introducing a new pet with an already established one. This will ease the transition and make life enjoyable for all of you.

The best thing about adopting 2 kittens or cats is that you are saving two lives. On top of that you are enhancing your own with the fun and laughter that comes from watching them get crazy with each other!

Photo: Courtesy of a repin on Pinterest from Rapidnewstweets

Can Cats and Birds Share a Home?

Many pet owners enjoy both feathered and furry friends.  But as we have all seen in cartoons, the cat always chases the bird. By nature, cats tend to be the predator and birds the prey. Those of us who have an outdoor roaming cat might just find a dead bird on our doorstep one day as proof of this. But what if we want to enjoy the  delightful sounds of a songbird or the companionship of a talking parrot? Can we also keep our cuddly furry friend as well?

It is possible for cats and birds to co-exist in the same household. There are some important precautions and living arrangements that should be considered. Cats carry a bacteria in their saliva called Pasteurella. It is not harmful to the cat, dogs or humans but can be lethal to birds. Birds can contract this bacteria from a cat bite and die within 24 hours as the bacteria rapidly multiply in their bodies. Even a small scratch on the bird from a swatting cat can lead to infection. Antibiotics must be administered in that 24 hours to prevent death to the bird.

Even mild-mannered cats cannot control their predatory nature and instinct to kill a small animal. Think about the way cats play with toys dangling from a string or flitting around them. A cat will chase, pounce and attack the toy.  Stalking and pouncing are reflex actions for cats. You would not want this type of reaction to occur with your beloved feathered friend.

It is best to keep a bird in a strong, solid cage high up on a stand or hanging hook that is away from furniture. Be sure that the cage has a secure, child-proof lock and that there are no free-sliding doors. Cats should not be able to reach the cage when they jump up. If the cage is within the cat’s reach, he might frighten the bird even to the point of death by pawing or pouncing at the cage. A cat sitting and staring constantly at the bird can cause the bird stress. This stress can lead to destructive behaviors on the part of the bird such at biting or feather plucking. If you have to leave the house, it is best to keep the cat and bird in separate rooms with the doors securely fastened.

Small birds such as finches and canaries usually stay within the confines of their cages and are content to be there.  However, larger birds such as macaws and cockatoos enjoy interacting with people and like to be let out of their cages to play with their owners or explore. At times like these, cats should be kept away in a separate area of the home or well supervised by a second person in the room. Believe it or not, larger birds may become aggressive towards cats.  A bite from a big bird can even break the skin of the cat and require stitches.  Keeping the bird and the cat in separate areas and giving them both the attention they need is the best thing you can do. Enjoy your feathered and furry friends and keep them safe!

Should You Give Milk To Kittens?

We have all seen the cute advertisements and cartoons that show kittens and cats drinking cow’s milk. But it may not be a good idea. Very young kittens produce the enzyme lactase  to help digest the lactose sugar that is present in their mother’s milk.  Mothers begin to wean their kittens at about four weeks of age.  The ability to produce the lactase enzyme decreases after weaning. Therefore, if a kitten is given cow’s milk, it may not be able to digest the lactose that is present in the milk. Undigested lactose passes through the intestines and draws water with it. Bacteria that is present in the colon can ferment the lactose and produce unwanted fatty acids. This can lead to vomiting and diarrhea. Diarrhea can be deadly to a kitten as it quickly leads to dehydration.

So what is one to do if an orphaned kitten is found before the age of 8 weeks when it is able to drink water and eat solid food?  Many pet stores carry mother’s milk replacement formulas.  After 8 weeks, when the kittens eyes are open, able to focus, and it is steady on its feet, it will not need the formula anymore. However, it does not harm the kitten to give him this milk formula as a treat. If you are unable to obtain the milk replacement formula, it is best to give the kitten milk that’s processed to be lactose free.

Can Tweety and Sylvester Co-habitate?

When we think of cats and birds living together, what comes to mind is Tweety bird being stalked by Sylvester.  Cats are instinctively natural predators.  In the wild, quick birds can just fly away from them.  In your home, the bird does not have this advantage and can run out of steam trying to flee the cat. Here are some ideas for keeping both cats and birds as pets.

-Let your cat know that the bird is not going to steal your affection. Jealousy can cause a cat to become aloof from you or stalk that cute feathered friend behind the bars. Give your cat lots of attention to let your cat know this new pet is just one more member of the family.

-Do not place the bird cage in an area that your cat can knock over and free the frightened bird. A cage that stands on the floor can work if it is sturdy and not placed where it can be bumped. Be sure the cage bars are close together and that the door is completely locking. Some bird owners have their bird’s wings clipped to tame them and keep them from flying away. That can put Tweety in a precarious situation if the cage is not secure.

-If your cat insists on stalking or jumping at the cage, use a squirt bottle of water to let it know this behavior is unacceptable. Unlike Tweety who can give the taunting right back, your bird can become over-stressed with the constant taunting.  This can even lead to death, so it is important to inhibit this behavior with your cat.

-Always supervise when letting your bird out to play.  Larger birds, such as exotic parrots may intimidate your cat. However, it is better to be safe than sorry. Having a room that belongs to your bird for his flying adventures is a way to keep him away from the cat.

-If a cat were to scratch or bite at a bird, they can transfer a bacteria to the bird that causes osteoarthritis.  There is an 8 to 12 hour window before this damage occurs. Your vet will need to treat your bird with a tetracycline derivative.

-The best type of birds to have co-habitate with your cat do not need a lot of out of cage interaction. Birds bought in pairs and using a large sturdy cage will help to discourage your cat from toying with them.

Once your cat realizes that your bird is just one more member of the family, they will likely leave it alone. (unlike Tweety and Sylvester!) Enjoy the purrs and chirps!