Monthly Archives: January 2013

Frostbite Can Affect Your Pet

In these frosty days of winter, we need to keep our pets in mind when venturing out in the cold. Contrary to popular belief, having fur does not prevent a pet from hypothermia or frostbite. Injury or death of tissue can happen from exposure to freezing or sub-freezing temperatures. Frostbite affects the tips of the ears, tail and toes. Dogs with longer ears like Bassett Hounds are at greater risk as well as small dogs like Daschunds. Cats will usually find a way to keep warm such as under the hood of a car, but it is best to keep them inside. For those strays that might end up under the hood, always rap on the hood a few times before you start your engine.

When the pet’s body is exposed to extreme cold, the blood vessals constrict to try to keep the body’s core warm. The core of the body includes the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. The result is that the tissues of the extremities have less blood supply and can freeze and die. Certain medications and medical conditions such as heart disease and diabetes can cause increased susceptibility.

What you need to look for is tissue that appears pale or gray and feels hard and cold. As the tissue thaws, it will turn red and become very painful. If the frostbite is severe, the tissue may blister, turn black and slough off. If you suspect frostbite, do not rub the area or apply hot water, a heating pad or hairdryer. Wrap the pet in warm dry towels and blankets. You can use warm, not hot water on the affected area. The water should be about 104 degrees or just warm enough that you can keep your hand submerged in it. Apply the water with towels or soak the specific area in warm water. Dry thoroughly and carefully so as not to disturb the tissue. Take your pet to the vet for an evaluation of the area and to check for hypothermia. The vet will often give pain relief medication and antibiotics for damaged tissue to prevent infection. The vet may do blood or urine tests to look for the possibility of internal organ damage.

To be safe, keep outdoor walks to a minimum; just enough time for your pet to do it’s business. Sweaters and even booties are recommended in extreme temperatures. Always keep your pet warm and dry after being outside. It is up to us to help prevent frostbite from happening. Remember, Spring will be here before you know it and you can go back to those nice, leisurely outdoor adventures!

The Truth About Cat and Dog Myths

There are many myths that have been handed down through the generations about dogs and cats. Some have sprung up from human’s observations about pet behavior and actions in an attempt to understand them. Some need to be cleared up so they don’t lead to bad decisions about pet care. The following are some of the common myths and the truth about them.





. You can tell a dog’s age to a human’s with a 7 to 1 formula, giving the dog 7 years for every 1 human year.

This is not an accurate measure. Aging is an individual thing. Large dogs age more quickly starting at about 7 human years. A rough guide for all dogs is that at 1 dog year, a dog is about 15 human years old. At 10 years it is about 56 and at 15, about 76 years.

. Dogs only see in black and white.

Actually dogs can see in color but differently than humans. They may not be able to distinguish between red and green. However they can tell the difference between shades of blue, gray and violet. Dog’s also rely on brightness, contrast and motion to interpret visual stimuli.

. Dog saliva is safe and antiseptic.

Even though a dog’s saliva may kill some bacteria, it also has it’s own unique bacteria that can cause infections to itself and young children or older people whose immune systems are not strong. It is best not to swap spit with your dog.

. Dogs show remorse for doing something wrong.

A dog may cower or have a hang-dog expression after doing something bad. Actually the look represents fear. Since you are the “pack leader”, the dog can sense when you are displeased. However, he can’t tell what it is related to unless you catch him in the act.

. A warm nose on a dog means it is not healthy.

A cold, wet nose or a warm, dry nose are just that. They do not mean that the dog is healthy or sick.

. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

Dogs of all breeds can learn new tricks throughout their lives. They just need to be physically able and responsive to you.

. Dogs eat grass because they have an upset stomach.

Some dogs like to graze casually in the grass. They do not tend to throw up and it is not a sign that they are sick. If a dog eats grass too vigorously, they may vomit the grass as well as other stomach contents. It just results from too much grass and is not always a sign of an upset stomach.


. Cats purr when they are happy.

While this is often the case, it can also be a cat’s way of calming itself down when it is hurt, sick or stressed. It is a kind of coping mechanism for the feeling of strong emotions.

. Cats always land on their feet.

A cat tends to be very agile and can twist it’s body into a feet down position as it falls. However, if they fall from too great a height, even if they do land on their feet, the fall could injure them or even cause death. It has spawned the myth that cats have 9 lives. Though they tend to be healthy animals who can care for many of their needs. they only have one life to live like all mammals.

. Cats are not highly social and prefer to be left alone.

Cats actually crave attention and want to be cuddled or petted. They may want it on their own terms but they all need your love and affection.

. Cats are easier to care for than dogs.

While cats do not need daily leash walks, they still need regular exercise through play and mental stimulation. They need to be fed, given a clean litter box and given regular visits to the vet.

There are many more myths about cats and dogs. However these are the ones frequently thought of. It is important to recognize these as myths and not allow them to color the way you handle or interact with your pet. They all need our love and understanding!


Blog Hop

We just learned about a Blog Hop and it is a great way to share a Blog list.

What is a blog hop?

A blog hop is a linky list that is SHARED ON MULTIPLE BLOGS.
When several blogs put the same linky list code on their blog, the
exact same list appears on each blog.




Blog visitors can submit their entries on any blog that contains the list.
The entries will appear on each blog where the list resides.

Blog readers see the same list on each blog, and can “HOP” from blog
to blog seeing the same list of links to follow: BLOG HOP!

Below is the url where we first found out about it. If you can’t click on them (one is a bitly shortened version) then copy and paste the url and it should take you to the list where you can participate in the Blog Hop.

or paste this url to get to the list.

Have fun and we hope you enjoy Blog Hopping!


Homemade Dog and Cat Treats

We all love to reward our special pets with treats for good behavior and just for being them. What we don’t want to do is give our pets treats that contain all sorts of additives and preservatives.  So here are some recipes that are simple and easy to do that allow us to feed our pets healthy treats.



Homemade Dog Treats

1 cup all purpose flour

1/4 cup wheat germ

1/4 cup brewer’s yeast

1 tsp. salt

1-1/2 tbsp. canola oil

1/2 cup low-sodium chicken stock, plus extra for brushing

Oven : 400 degrees

In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, wheat germ, yeast and salt and set aside. Place oil in a large bowl.  Add stock and flour mixture in three alternating additions, beginning and ending with the stock. Mix well. On a lightly floured board, roll dough to 3/8 inch thick.  Shape  biscuits with a cookie cutter shaped like a bone or other object that is appropriate for your dog’s size. Transfer to parchment lined cookie sheets. Bake biscuits for 10 minutes. Brush with stock and bake ten minutes more. Turn off the oven, leaving the door closed with the biscuits inside to dry completely. This takes approximately 1-1/2 hours. Store at room temperature in an airtight container.


Cat Treats

1 cup whole wheat flour

1/4 cup soy flour

1 tsp. catnip

1 egg

1/3 cup milk

2 Tbsp wheat germ

1/3 cup powdered milk

1 Tbsp unsulfured molasses

2 Tbsp butter or oil

Oven: 350 degrees

Preheat the oven. Mix the dry ingredients together. Add the molasses, egg, oil or butter and milk. Roll out flat and cut into cat bite-sized pieces. Place on oiled cookie sheets. Bake for 20 minutes. Let cool and store in a tightly sealed container.
Your pets will love their special cookies and you will know you are providing them with wholesome ingredients. Enjoy!