Monthly Archives: December 2014

Your Dog’s Amazing Nose

Molly's noseWe all have witnessed how dogs tend to greet each other. They sniff each other’s rear end! Can you imagine us doing that instead of a handshake? Why do they have that often embarrassing habit of greeting new doggie friends with their noses? There are many reasons why dogs do this. They want to find out each other’s gender, what they had for breakfast or if they’re sending out friendly vibes.

A dog’s sense of smell is its most powerful sense. We humans rely so much more on our sense of sight to learn about our world. A human nose has about 5 million odor receptors. Compare that to a hound dog’s 300 million receptors! Now you can understand why a dog can sniff out a single ounce of marijuana buried deep within a mountain of luggage filled with clothes scents and toiletries.

Our noses breathe air and odors in and out through our nostrils. A dog’s nose divides the air into two areas; the olfactory area and through the pharynx into the lungs. That way a dog can dedicate a portion of inspired air just to its sense of smell area of the brain. The dog is able to identify incoming odor molecules by their unique characteristics and send the signal to the brain for deciphering. Our nostrils are designed so that we inhale and exhale, sending the aromas we encounter out as soon as they come in. Dogs have slits in their nostrils that let exhaled air aerodynamically push new scents into the nose. These specially designed nostrils allow a dog to sniff in a more continuous, efficient way. A dog’s nostrils can also move independently which lets them know which direction a smell is coming from. That is why you will see a dog that is following a scent move its head from side to side. And, unlike us, dogs have a unique scent detecting organ that can recognize pheromones which are unique to each animal species.

Finally, a dog’s wet nose aids in its sense of smell. By having a damp nose, the mucus can trap dissipating odors in the air. Dogs will lick their noses which allows them to taste the chemicals in the odor which goes to another olfactory organ via the mouth to be analyzed by the dog’s brain.

So the next time you’re wondering about your pet’s odd habit of leg and butt sniffing, you’ll know why. Only the nose knows!

Dogs & Cats & TV & A Tails Untold Personalized Pet Book mention


dog & TV





Hi Everypawdy!

We like to share and there is a very interesting blog called “Owned by a Husky”  see the link below.  The latest blog post is about “The Truth behind dogs and Cats watching TV?”  Do they?  Check this out and check out the pssssssst: for a Tails Untold Personalized Pet Book mention.

Here is the website address to copy and paste into your browser.

Thank you for the mention Jenna,Mark “HuskyCrazed” Drady.

Happy Holidays!

Susan and Janet and all your friends with Tails Untold Personalized Pet Books


It’s Here! Your Pet’s My Dogs Christmas Show sponsored by Tails Untold Personalized Pet Books

Lisa Smith Putnam Christmas ShowWe’s so excited to let you know that Tails Untold Personalized Pet Books Sponsored Lisa Smith-Putnam’s  Your Pets My Dogs Christmas Story on Pet Life Radio.  You can listen to MacDuff’s Christmas Surprise Story narrated by Janet Lyman McCann and hear special Christmas Memories from Lisa, Bill, Janet and yours truly.

Come grab a hot chocolate, cup of tea or your favorite drink and enjoy the show.  Please share with all your friends!  We also appreciate any comments.

Here are a couple of  links to the show:

And here is a picture of  the cover of the Tails Untold Personalized Pet Book “Macduff’s New York City Adventure Book” from “Santa”.

Macduff Book Cover

A Tails Untold donation to help the special Bocker the Labradoodle



The famous and very special Bocker the Labradoodle has discovered he has Lymphoma. Not only is he quite famous having participated in many movies, photo shoots,interviews and more, he is a therapy dog and is one of the most caring, giving and special dogs we have ever known.  Bocker was one of Tails Untold Personalized Pet Books first customers.  We loved creating his book, but more, we loved getting to know him and his mom, too!  We send prayers he can beat this terrible disease!  If you are able to help Bocker, please see the Fundraising page information, below.

Thank you all and Best Holiday wishes!

Susan and your friends with Tails Untold Personalized Pet Books


Bocker Fights Lymphoma

From Bocker’s Mom:
Bocker who has done so much for so many—from differently abled children and adults to raising money for good causes—now needs YOUR help.  We just learned that Bocker has lymphoma and, without treatment, has just a few months to live.  New treatments, which are costly, are giving pets more quality time here on earth. So, ANIMAL lovers, if you can find it in your heart, we are asking that each person donate whatever you can to help Bocker.  He has so many more kisses to give and lives to touch and smiles to bring.
If Bocker has ever touched your life or the life of anyone you know,  please help and Donate.  Bocker needs to continue his mission of making others happy!

Bocker says “I Will Beat This!”

Fundraising page:  Fundraising For Bocker  or you can donate through Pay Pal to

Big Woofs & Licks from Bocker!  Thanks to everyone for your love and support.  All my friends are definitely part of Team Bocker! Team Bocker (Fan Page) (Friend Page)
@bocker on Twitter