Maximum’s NYC Tails Untold Personalized Adventure Book- A very pleased purchaser

Yes, I have received my book. I am very pleased with it. You did a super job on it. We laugh every time we look at it. I have shared it with More »

A Happy Fan – Storm’s Tails Untold Personalized Pet Book

Hello Tails Untold, I got the book today.  Thank you so much, it is amazing!   You did a lovely job, thank you, again.  Larissa from Australia. More »

Should I Adopt One Cat or Two?

When it comes to adopting a new cat or kitten, the question often arises is it better to adopt two so they can have companionship when we are not home? There are More »

New Babies and Your Pets

A new baby is on the way and your pets will need to adjust. After all, they were the new babies first. It is a lot like preparing a sibling for a More »

Sebastian is a Celebrity

Tails Untold is very proud to announce that Sebastian, who recently was the Star of a Tails Untold New York City Adventure Book was just featured in an article in the New More »

Cats Tickly Whiskers – What Do They Do?


If something touches a person’s skin, it is felt. Our skin is a major sensory organ in our bodies. If lightly brushed, the hairs on our arm, for example, might stand up on end and we get a slight sensation because the hair is rooted in the skin.

The whiskers on a cat act in a similar way but are highly sensitive organs, more so than the fur on their bodies. There are numerous nerve endings on the skin at the base of the whiskers. Whiskers are thicker than ordinary hair and more deeply rooted. A cat’s sense of touch is enhanced by long whiskers.

The brain region where information from whiskers is received is similar to the visual cortex. It allows a cat a 3D map of its surroundings without being a true visual sense. It is a sense of touch. Cats depend on their whiskers to give them information on many things, such as balance and precision with their bodies in space. They help a cat know where objects are around them. The whiskers act as a measuring device such as allowing a cat to know if it can fit through a narrow space. The upper and lower whiskers can move independently for greater precision during measurement. They also allow a cat to navigate better in the dark.

Whiskers aid in hunting as they help a cat to detect a preys location. As the air is disturbed by the movement of the prey, a cat’s whiskers help it know in which direction the object has moved. They are part of the reason that cats are such accurate hunters.

Dogs, on the other hand, do not depend on whiskers as much as cats do. They rely more heavily on their senses of sight and smell. Whiskers can help dogs be more aware of an object they are smelling, such as its composition.

So take care when brushing and grooming your cat. Do not trim the whiskers. They are more important than just hair. A cat needs its whiskers to sense and interpret the world around them. Just let those whiskers just tickle your cheeks and let them grow.

Tails Untold Personalized Pet Books & Your Pets My Dogs Photo Contest Winner

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Tails Untold Personalized Pet books and Your Pets My Dogs Facebook Photo Contest Winner is Amos Moses from Binghamton, NY.  We had lots of wonderful entries but Amos, Entry #10 won.  He is the lucky winner of his very own Tails Untold Personalized Pet Book, Amos Moses’ New York City Adventure.  We can’t wait to create his book.

Check out our Facebook page as we have lots of fun gift, treat, and great functional items for your pets.  Also check out Lisa Smith-Putnam’s Facebook page and listen to her radio show, too.

Also, a reminder, if you are looking for a unique and special gift for a family member or friend, please check out  We create one of a kind, personalized to “your pet”, beautifully illustrated keepsake books!  Your pet is the narrator and the star.  Each illustrated page has your pets photo and personal information strategically inserted to create your very own one of a kind, special personalized book!  Order now to be sure and receive your book for the holidays or purchase a gift certificate.

Happy Fall!


Dog Crazy Definitions

laughing dog








In our last blog, we featured crazy cat definitions. So as not to leave out our canine friends, here are our interpretations of words that contain the word “dog”. We hope it tickles your “funny dog bone”!

Dogdom – The world of dogs or how a dog feels when he gets his head stuck in the
cookie jar

Dogbane – A perennial plant or how a dog feels about the existence of members of the
cat family

Dogears – The turned down corners of book pages or the things a dog changes when he
wants his bike to go faster

Doggone – A polite form of the word “damn” or what the factory dog does when he hears
the 5:00 whistle

Doglegging – When a golf course uses bends and turns in the terrain or what a poodle
wears to ballet class

Dogma – A set of beliefs or the opposite of a dog’s dad

Dogtrot – A quick easy gait or what a dancing dog prefers to call his favorite ball-
room dance

Dogvane – An indicator of wind direction on a ship or the dog who can’t stop looking
in the mirror

Dogwatch – A shipboard watch of 2 hour intervals or the thing a dog wears around his

Dogwoods – Trees with clusters of flowers or the clubs a dog uses on the fairway

Firedog – An andiron or what an unhappy boss does when his canine worker messes up

Hangdogs – Sad or depressed people or a bunch of dogs gathering to shoot the breeze

Hotdog – A ballpark favorite or a sexy poodle

Lapdog – A small dog that can be held in your lap or what a dog completes each time
she circles the track

Seadog – A veteran sailor or what Jane says to Dick when Spot appears

Underdog – A predicted loser in a contest or where you find a dogbed

Waterdog – Another skilled sailor or what you do when your dog is panting

Bandog – A tied up ferocious watch dog or a dog who is a groupie

Bulldog – A muscular, compact breed or the dog who makes up outlandish stories

And finally…

Dognapping – The act of stealing a dog or what a dog does after a big meal
What you might do now to rest your “funny dog bone”!

Cat Crazy Definitions


cat smiling

Everyone likes a good chuckle from time to time. There are many words that contain the word “cat” that can be up for interpretation. Get ready; you are about to be “cat”-apulted” into a list of cat crazy definitions:

Catacomb – An underground cemetary or what a cat uses to fix his messy hair

Catty – Slyly malicious or what a cat sips with his 4:00 crumpets

Catnapped – Slept lightly or what the cat raised when he scratched the carpet

Copycat – An imitator or a cat who runs errands for the New York Times office.

Cat 0’Nine Tails – A whip or the cat who traded his lives for spare body parts

Catalyst – Substance that causes chemical reaction or what you give your cat when
she is going grocery shopping

Catfishes – Fish of the order Nematognathi or what a cat does on his day off

Muscat – A variety of grape or an untidy feline

Catcalls – Booing bad acting or what pussycat receives on her IPhone

Catenoid – The surface generated by rotating a catenary about its axis of symmetry
or what happens when the dog keeps chasing the cat

Polecats – Name for skunks or felines employed by Gallop

Delicate – Fine in texture or the cat who likes chopped liver

Hepcat – One who keeps up with the latest trends or the first counting word when
the Army cat leads the march (followed by 2, 3, 4..)

Catsup – A variant of ketchup or when it is time for the cat to bat the baseball

Catkin – Fluffy flower bracts of a willow or pussycats aunts and uncles

Catgut – Used to make racket strings or what the vet sees on Tabby’s xray

Catatonic – appearing to be in a daze or what you give your cat when he’s run down
And possibly…

How you’re feeling after reading all of these cat crazy definitions!


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Fun in the Sun Facebook Contest Winners!

Facebook June Contest Winner

Facebook Contest Winner June 2








DRUMROLL PLEASE! We are happy to announce our two lucky winners of the Tails Untold   The Total Pet Spa Summer Photo Contest.

First place goes to Caesar, from Carmel, Indiana, and

Second place goes to Little Miss Missy, from Salem, Virginia!
Congratulations to both of you!


Does Your Dog Have The Blues?

Smiling dog








Have you ever wondered if your dog might be depressed? Many vets and pet behaviorists agree that pets have real emotions. You know when your dog is happy and excited, wagging his tail and doing the circle dance when you come home from work or if you have been away. Conversely, you know when he is sad such as after a scolding when his tail is between his legs and his head is down. So what do you look for when you suspect your pet may be depressed?

Signs and Symptoms:
-not eating
-losing weight
-not interacting with others

There are many possible causes for these symptoms and it is important that you first have your dog carefully tested by a veterinarian to be sure there is no medical reason for the symptoms. Once ruled out, other causes that can trigger depression are: loss of an owner or family member or other pet in the household; moving to a new house; adding a new pet or family member; family member who moves away, such as a student off to college; changes in routines such as a non-working owner going off to a new job and many other significant changes in your household. Dogs also respond to the emotions of their human families. If a family member is in mourning, a dog can sense this. Another side-effect of change or upheaval which can lead to depression is when your dog feels he is not getting his usual attention and play with you. This can happen when you are preoccupied with the move, loss, or change.

We all want our dogs to be happy and content. There are some things you can do if you suspect your dog is depressed. Be sure to give him some healthy attention and take him out and about for mental stimulation. Make time for his favorite game or activity several times throughout the day. If he has lost a companion, bring your dog to a dog park or let him interact with another dog. If you are ready, it might help to bring another pet into your home. Enlist other family members to help keep your dog active when you yourself are feeling down about a loss. One caution is to be careful not to reward your pet’s mood. In other words, if you are overly sympathetic, this can backfire and perpetuate the depression. Ask your vet if he thinks an anti-depressant is indicated if your dog does not seem to be responding. It could be that your dog has a chemical imbalance and needs medication to regulate his emotions.

On a positive note, dogs tend to live in the present moment. Although they may suffer from depression for a period of a few weeks or even a few months, it is not common for a dog to have long-term depression. Given the attention, care and love you can provide, a dog will likely come around. And remember, when you feel good, it rubs off on your pet.

Tails Untold June Photo Contest on Facebook

Hey Everyone,

Tails Untold Personalized Pet Books is sponsoring another great contest.  Come and join the fun and enter to win a fabulous prize, “A Total Pet Spa”.

Visit our Facebook Page at to get all the fun details!  If you haven’t yet, please be sure and like us, too.

We can’t wait to see your photos and good luck!

FB Contest picture for Blog

A Special Testimonial from Bijoux’s Special Mommy & Daddy

Bijoux for blog








“Our Bijoux’s Tails Untold Personalized Pet Book is truly a piece of art.  It is expertly written, beautifully created and so authentic and unique.  It is everything we thought it would be and more.  Susan Lyman, Owner, captured the pure essence of the love we shared with our very special furry family member.  The photos of Bijoux that we provided were creatively placed in each detailed and charming illustration as were the special characteristics that made my Bijoux so special.  As was quoted by another fan, it is truly “Whimsical” and a delight to read.  The personalization of our Bijoux book  created by Tails Untold exemplified the special bond that we shared with our best furry friend.  Bijoux, ‘God’s little Angel’, now at the Rainbow Bridge,  will be in hearts and souls forever and now with our wonderful Tails Untold Personalized keepsake book, Bijoux’s special characteristics and the very special memories we shared with him are brought to life and we smile every time we read it. Thank you, Susan, for giving us this very special gift of love and for your generosity of donating a portion of the sale of every book to a shelter/rescue to help our furry friends who cannot help themselves.  Like you, we totally agree that every pet deserves a loving and forever home. God bless you.”

Donation by Tails Untold Personalized Pet Books for Animal Hope-Riska

Tails Untold Personalized Pet Books, has a very dear Serbian friend and huge supporter who is currently living in the US, but her family and many friends are there.  She sent us the information about the terrible floods they have experienced in and near Belgrade.  She sent us a link about this wonderful, 13 year old, no-kill shelter that does not have safe drinking water as of today and they are currently helping 200 dogs.  We hope our donation helps and prayers go out to all there.

Pet Life Radio-Lisa Smith-Putnam interview with Susan Lyman, Tails Untold Personalized Pet Books Creator

Lisa Smith Putnam
Hi Tails Untold Fans,
We are very excited to share this interview about Susan Lyman, Tails Untold Personalized Pet Books creator.
Lisa Smith-Putnam interviewed Susan for the Lisa Smith-Putnam radio show called “Your Pets My Dogs”.  It is also featured on iHeart Radio!  Come and enjoy!  And as Lisa says:  Laugh, Share, Play!
Update:  Today I found out the interview is also on Pet Life Radio…Woof Woof! Here is the link and please feel free to share!
YOUR PETS MY DOGS *Lisa Smith-Putnam*
Your Pets My Dogs! A Pet radio show that rocks…WOOF to…