Tag Archives: Keepsake pet book

More Happy Tails Untold Personalized Pet Book Owners

tails-untold-book-on-white-backgroundThese testimonials, really make our day!

Molly’s Book

“The book arrived and it’s beautiful! I cried and I’m not a crier! Can’t wait to give it to my folks :)” (Subsequent note, Molly had hurt her leg, right after Molly’s Tails Untold Personalized Pet Book was ordered)

“My parents adored the book! They were both so glad! And Molly’s leg is starting to get better 🙂 ” – Jenna

Cato’s Book

“It is absolutely incredible, I was going to give to my mum for Christmas but couldn’t wait because I was so excited.  She absolutely loved it, thank you so much.”

Lorelai’s Book

“It arrived over the weekend and is lovely. I’m going to give it to the kids this coming weekend. Funny enough, we have family in New York whom we visit, so the story with Lorelai is even more personal! This will be a wonderful keepsake of their beloved dog.’

[Subsequent note]

“The family loved it. Skye is only six months old, so she didn’t have a lot to say on the matter, but almost-three-year-old Grayson thought it was pretty neat. He remembered Lorelai when he saw her picture and said her name. He loves books and reading, so I know that this special keepsake will be in regular reading rotation for him (and later Skye).

Thank you again for your wonderful work!”  – Katherine

Shiloh’s Book

“My partner had tears in her eyes when I gave it to her.  It came out better than imagined! And I got it last night and was able to give it to her right on time for her birthday! Thank you so much!  – Kira

Dexter’s Book

“The book arrived.  I can’t begin to thank you enough.  It is beyond perfect!  Laughing and crying all at the same time while reading it is the best.  You captured everything about him and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this amazing memory!!!

We have been sharing his adventures in social media before he passed so I’ll be posting about this and for sure give you a shout out as well.   We are beyond happy with it and so very grateful!”  [Dexter is at the Rainbow Bridge]  -Tracie