Tag Archives: Gift = Smiles

Holiday Fan Mail re: A Tails Untold Personalized Pet Book Gift

Thank you, Amy:

Hi Susan we just left for the airport.  We read Harry’s book together late last night after the play.   We loved it!   So perfect!


Thank you, Alexa:

“We received Oliver’s book on 12/15, and we absolutely LOVE it!! Prior to purchasing, we looked at several different options and liked yours the best because of the extra personalization … we love that it’s our Oliver pictured in the book (and that you incorporated all of the extra pictures we sent you!) and thought there was a nice balance between fiction and non.
Oliver’s book will be a Christmas gift for our mother, and we know she’ll love it as much as we did!”


Thank you, Kate:

“All I can say is FABULOUS. Thank you so much. I can’t wait until Christmas to give them this book. It will bring more smiles than you know!  I will spread the word and show everyone I know!”

Post Christmas:  “They loved it. Made my sisters Christmas. Thank you again!  It is a permanent  fixture on her coffee table.  He is tired from his New York adventure lol.”

Kate & Doogan