Tag Archives: dog’s stories

A Tails Untold Personalized Pet Book Fan

Tails Untold created a Book for Cheryl Solomon’s Golden Retriever, Yogi.Ā  Here is what Cheryl had to say about her Yogi’s Tails Untold New York Adventure Book.

“To all my dog loving friends – please check out www.tailsuntold.com. You can have a personalized, hard cover book of your pet where you get to share your dog’s characteristics, etc. The book is made for your dog. Easy to create by simply filling out the questionnaire on the site and submitting photos. I had one done of Yogi and it came out so fabulously that I had to order extra reprints for gifts. I’m working on Bubba’s this weekend. Short turnaround time too – within weeks! All for less than $110!!! It’s a steal and a lifetime keepsake so please go to website and share your dog’s stories with Tails Untold and have your dog published! “